During this session, I assist children who are traumatized at night time and have sleep disturbances for no known reason.
More and more children are coming into life very sensitive to the other realms and dimensions. The parents are often confused as they cannot see what the child is experiencing. Sometimes, it looks like an imaginary friend which is harmless.
However, sometimes it can be visitors during the night which can traumatizing and upsetting for the child.
If this is the case, I have the ability through the guidance of my guide to seal the child in a tube of light which wards off all psychic activity which returns the child to undisturbed sleep.
If this is not the case the child might need psychological help and therefore I will recommend the child be brought to a professional for counselling.
This is a two part process. The initial consultation with the parents will allow me to use my guide to check what the problem is. The second process is the healing.
Both sessions are carried out on zoom.
Part 1: €50 Part 2: €100