magnetic field
energy reading

So, what is a magnetic field?

Some see a magnetic field as an aura surrounding the body. However, I see an indivdual’s magnetic field as a geometric shape that encompasses the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental bodies of a person.

I often draw a client’s magnetic field before I carry out their online reading. Shiva then gives me the relevant information specific to you during the magnetic reading. Then I will describe to you what I see, what you need to know and if their are any elements that need magnetic healing, including your general health.

Anything can appear during a magnetic energy field reading as I channel information from Shiva, relevant to each individual.

3 weeks after your magnetic energy field reading, you will follow up with a magnetic field online healing session.

I have been studying magnetic energy healing for quite some time and have found that a magnetic field can be made from any group of individuals with similar ideas or energies. The more people that are unconsciously in a field, the stronger the field is and the harder it is to remove yourself from the field.

I will look at your magnetic energy field as an individual, relevant to only you and how it is influencing elements of your life such as relationships, physical health and mental/emotional wellbeing.

With the help of my guide, I draw out the energy field that surrounds you the client.  In this drawing I can see the chakra system and I can also see any entity attachments, negative imprints from trauma and the energy level of each chakra and how it’s affecting you. 

During the session with you all will be revealed. If there are any entity attachments, I can clear these three weeks after the magnetic energy reading in another healing session, if there is a need. 

The Fee for a 1 hour online session  150